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Here are all of the Rocket League pricing changes happening in October

Here are all of the Rocket League pricing changes happening in October

Rocket League may be a free-to-play game but it’s still under the Epic Games umbrella. This means the game has various in-game cosmetics players can purchase using real money to personalize the way they play the game. With the constantly changing economic state of the world, fans can expect to see some changes to the Rocket League pricing in October 2024.

Today, we’re here to go through all of the Rocket League pricing changes fans can expect to see in October 2024. This includes a summarized explanation as well as a detailed breakdown of the prices, before finally comparing the prices with other Epic-owned games to ensure players know how it matches up against Fortnite.

So, without further ado, here are all of the Rocket League pricing changes happening in October. If your region was negatively affected by the changes, you can always spend your money on something that actually helps your gameplay improve, like Eloking’s Rocket League boost

All Rocket League Pricing Changes Happening in October

Rocket League is set to roll out some major pricing changes starting October 14, 2024. The prices for Credits, Esports Tokens, and real money content packs are set to change across 4 regions, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and South America. The pricing changes came about as part of Epic Games’ effort to align the prices better with the local economic conditions and the current currency values around the world.

The pricing changes will help create a more balanced and fair gaming environment. Players in certain regions with weaker currencies or higher inflation find it difficult to afford in-game items, and the price drop will make the game a lot more accessible and enjoyable for them. This change is also expected to boost their player count and engagement, as the lower prices will be more encouraging for players to spend money on the game.

Detailed breakdown of new Rocket League prices

While prices have changed across a list of countries, here’s a breakdown of the main ones across the 4 regions affected.

South Africa (Africa)

Japan (Asia)

Australia (Oceania)

Argentina (South America)

Comparison with Other Epic Games Pricing

Epic Games wants to standardize their prices across different titles, including Fortnite, and the price changes in Rocket League are just the first step. Epic wants to create a more consistent buying experience for players across all their games, and the cost of in-game currency, such as V-Bucks in Fortnite will also now be a lot closer to Rocket League Credits. 

This helps players understand the value of their purchases a lot easier across different games, therefore getting rid of any confusion or hesitation from players regarding shop prices and in-game items. The new prices are also designed to be a lot more fair and even, making sure players have the same experience no matter where they are.


Why are things getting more expensive for me in Rocket League?

The worldwide economy is ever-changing and inflation ensures that the price of assets, physical or digital, is always increasing. To match the inflation and changing money value in various regions, Epic decided to increase or decrease the prices of Credits, Esports Tokens, and Content Packs.

Is Rocket League the only game tweaking currency prices?

Not at all! As a matter of fact, just recently the multi-billion dollar company Riot Games even adjusted the prices for buying in-game currency in games like Valorant and League of Legends.

Qu'est-ce qui est suivant ?

Maintenant que vous avez appris quelque chose de nouveau - il est temps que vous commenciez à jouer et à vous améliorer. Choisissez un jeu pour acheter Eloking Boost. Achetez ELO Boost chez Eloking et commencez à jouer au rang que vous méritez !

Alternativement, vous pouvez Rejoindre notre serveur Discord & participer à divers cadeaux!

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