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League of Legends: New Tristana Mini Rework - Massive Buffs

League of Legends: New Tristana Mini Rework - Massive Buffs

Tristana is receiving a significant set of changes in the upcoming patch, alongside the K'Sante rework. These changes are aimed at making her a stronger late-game AD carry while toning down her early-game power, which has made her popular in mid lane. Most of these changes are buffs which come in response to Tristana's declining win-rate which is currently sitting at 45%.

Tristana’s base health regen and armor growth are being lowered, but her attack speed ratio and base AD are being buffed. Her base attack range is increased from 525 to 550 units. Abilities like Rapid Fire and Rocket Jump are getting scaling improvements with bonus AD, while Buster Shot has a shorter cooldown and scales better with AD, but its base damage is reduced. 

Let us take a deeper look at all these changes below. Additionally, if you are struggling with declining winrates yourself, you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” to get a cool 20% discount on your order. 

Stat Changes

Tristana’s base stats are undergoing significant shifts to reduce her early-game dominance while boosting her late-game scaling:

These changes will make her early game a bit weaker, but her base attack range increase and attack speed improvements should keep her viable in trades, while she becomes much stronger as the game progresses.

Passive: Draw a Bead

Draw a Bead, Tristana’s passive, which increases her attack range per level, is being adjusted to account for her higher default attack range. The maximum bonus range is reduced from 136 units to 125 units, but thanks to her improved base range, Tristana will still have more range at all levels compared to her previous form.

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Q: Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire is getting a boost in attack speed at all ranks. This buff will make her a stronger late-game carry by allowing her to melt through enemies faster as she builds attack speed items.

W: Rocket Jump

Rocket Jump is being reworked to scale better with AD, allowing it to deal more damage later in the game. However, the base damage has been reduced. The slow duration from Rocket Jump is also adjusted to a flat 2 seconds at all ranks, improving its utility in the early game.

E: Explosive Charge

Tristana’s Explosive Charge is receiving several changes that reduce its early-game effectiveness but make it stronger as she gains items. The base damage of both the passive and active effects is reduced, but the AD scaling is increased, and the ability now benefits more from critical strikes.

R: Buster Shot

Tristana’s ultimate, Buster Shot, is receiving a buff in scaling but a reduction in base damage. This makes it a stronger ability in the late game once she has accumulated AD items. Additionally, the cooldown has been reduced to 100 seconds at all ranks, and the tooltip now mentions a stun effect on targets hit.

Related: League of Legends: All Major Split 3 Changes.

With these changes, Tristana is poised to become a much stronger late-game ADC, while her early-game power has been toned down. Riot’s intention is to move her away from being a dominant mid-lane pick and refocus her as a viable bot lane option. These buffs should help improve her performance and win rate, making her a solid choice for AD Carry mains looking to scale into the late game.

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