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Top 5 most liked Arcane characters

Top 5 most liked Arcane characters

Arcane is one of the most successful video game adaptations, and that’s largely thanks to the colorful and diverse cast of characters. Every character has their own motivations, and that makes for excellent scenes that players can actually relate to. This also means almost everyone has a different set of characters they like the most.

In preparation for Arcane Season 2, we’re here to go through our list of the five most liked characters in Arcane. This includes obvious entries like the two main sisters as well as a surprise entry from one of the primary antagonists of the show.

So, without any more delay, here is our list of the five most liked characters in Arcane.

Who are the top 5 most likable Arcane characters?

Arcane, the League of Legends show, has numerous characters throughout its runtime, each with different personalities, motivations, traits, and more. With how good Arcane turned out to be, most of its characters are well-liked in the community, some more than others. Here are the top 5 most likable characters in the show:

5: Jayce

Starting off our list is Jayce, one of the most sympathetic characters in the show. Jayce pursues his ambition to use his knowledge to save the world, and the fact he voices his feelings perfectly makes him someone everyone wants to root for. 

After the time skip Jayce changes and starts straying from the path he always wanted for himself, making the transformation more tragic. After Jayce becomes the eighth counselor, we see him getting stressed, causing him to lash out at Viktor.

4: Caitlyn

The character development of Caitlyn throughout season one of Arcane makes her one of the best characters in the media. Initially, Caitlyn is privileged and doesn’t know much about the people struggling in the Undercity. Whenever someone like Ekko tells her those people are getting hunted, she brushes past it and says it’s impossible.

Later, when she’s in the Undercity with Vi, Caitlyn notices all the people living there and the things they go through and understands what the world is like. Once she realizes how everything works and how the Topsiders ignore everyone living beneath them, she begins to stand up to her parents and the Council, making her one of the most developed characters in the show.

3: Vi

Vi, the elder sister of Jinx and adopted daughter of Vander, lands in our top 3. Despite Vi being aggressive and looking abrasive, she’s very caring, which becomes clear when she chooses to be the protector of the Undercity and leads everyone after Vander isn’t there anymore. 

The best part about Vi is her stubbornness and inability to give up. She is the most morally righteous character in the show, caring and understanding, badass, and always looking after Jinx, knowing she isn’t the same person as the sister she lost.

2: Silco

Despite being the antagonist of Arcane, the way Silco’s story ends makes it difficult for anyone to hate him, and instead, everyone feels sorry for the guy. One of the best parts about Silco is that he’s an evil character that others can empathize with since the show humanizes him and makes him scary and understandable at the same time.

Most people love characters they can understand, so it’s no surprise that Silco is one of the fan favorites on the show.

1: Jinx

Ending the list is the fan-favorite character Jinx. She’s a complicated character, but that’s what makes her so likable to series fans. She’s the child of the group who often gets into trouble the most, like how she almost ruined the bank heist, caused Vander’s death, and more.

Because of everything she went through, like the death of her father, she’s not mentally stable, and her unstable personality is why people love her. It’s easy to empathize and relate with her, hoping things improve for her later.

Even Though Jinx became an antagonist by the end of the season, everything leading up to that point is natural and well-written and something that people can see in real life.

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Which characters are also loved?

In addition to the mentioned characters, a handful of characters including Vander and Ekko are also loved by a large number of characters. Vander is the father figure that Jinx and Vi need, while Ekko is Powder's (or Jinx’s) childhood friend who has to rise up and fight for what he believes in.

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